Negative Aspects
With the gold mines in particular can cause frequent cause some problems. One of the very serious impact of the associated environmental issues.
A gold mine both run by the government and foreign companies that are organized also mined illegally by people always use hazardous chemicals. Materials used in addition to disrupting and damaging the ecosystem can also interfere with human health alone.
One of the materials used is mercury. Mercury used in gold ore processing time can be released into the environment. For gold ore processing company it is not so feared if there is supervision of the government, which needs feared gold mines done illegally by the public.
Gold mining is done illegally by the use of mercury to precipitate the gold contained in the water or mud. Mercury used to go straight into the water so it would drift. Mercury drifted so difficult decomposes to form a new compound. Mercury compounds formed from either organic or inorganic compounds that can be absorbed by microorganisms in the water. Mercury compounds are absorbed by microorganisms can not be broken down by microorganisms resulting in the body remains as a compound of mercury. As a result, these compounds may enter the food chain, if the microorganism is eaten by fish then these compounds will enter also into his body. The entry of these compounds will eventually go then settles in the body, when humans consume fish that have been contaminated by mercury compounds.
For gold ore companies either run by the company in the domestic and foreign waste produced sometimes highly dangerous to health and the environment. This is due, good waste generated from the processing of ore and gold ore purification directly discharged into drains without being processed first. This waste is very dangerous, because in addition to mercury still contains other metals that are toxic. For example, copper, arsenic and cobalt, and these wastes have a very acidic pH that can also disrupt aquatic life.
In addition to the negative impact on the environment and health of the existence of gold mines can also interfere with children's activities if not carefully controlled. With the gold mine in the wild do children prefer to mine gold instead of having to step up to the school.
Positive Aspects
In addition to the presence of mines negative aspect, there is also a positive side that can create jobs and to increase the country foreign exchange. With the gold mine worker is needed in large quantities, it would greatly help local communities to supplement their income. This certainly holds true for gold mining is done illegally.
In addition to providing field keja can also increase foreign exchange. Due to the existence of the tax breaks given mine was bigger.
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